List of ENYC members
Albania- ACT for SOCIETY Centre
ACT for SOCIETY Center Mission is to enhance the healthy lifestyles and stimulate the sustainable development of society. Its work consists on advocating for democracy and human right issues, promoting culture, connecting youth, stimulating the active participation of young people in the social life and decision-making processes, both in local and national level.
Armenia – Armenian Young Women’s Association
Armenian Young Women’s Association was established in March, 2004, by a group of active young women’s and girls. Though AYWA was registered in 2004 but its members started their activities earlier. It has around 100 members and 50 volunteers.
Austria- CUBIC
CUBIC is a non-profit organisation established in 2005 to support young people with fewer opportunities to find their passion, develop self-awareness and expand their horizons; this is achieved through delivering innovative international projects that are culturally immersive, educational and unique. In its activities CUBIC aims at encouraging intercultural exchange and learning processes.
Bulgaria- International youth alliance
Association ”International youth alliance ” is a non-profit organization created by and for young
people. The main objectives of the association are:
– To promote and develop culture, education, environment, science, sport and tourism in the country;
– To promote the active participation of young people in public life;
– Organizing and facilitating the conduct of competitions, conferences , seminars with youth in the countries and abroad
Czech republic – National Institute for Further Education
The National Institute for Further Education (NIDV) is a directly managed organization of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports with a nationwide guarantee of further education and professional development of pedagogical staff of schools and school facilities, including school facilities for leisure education.
Finland – Finnish Youth Centres Association
Finnish Youth Centres Association is umbrella organization of 10 National youth centres in Finland. The main task is coordinate Youth Centres work in National and international level.
The Youth Centres are run under the Finnish Youth Act and observed by the Ministry of Education.
Youth Centre Villa Elba
Villa Elba is a Youth Centre supported and observed by the Ministry of Education. We are specialized in youth work and our function is to develop the methods used in the field of youth work, to act as a centre for furthering the skills of the youth, and enable young people’s travelling domestically and abroad.
Germany – Jugendbildungsstätte Unterfranken
The Jubi is a hosting, sending and coordinating hosting organisation in the EVS program (2015-1-DE04-KA110-013075), a partner of the “Platform Network”, “European Network of Youth Centres” and Eurodesk Partner (DE-0036). Jugendbildungsstätte Unterfranken -The Youth Education Centre in Lower Franconia (Jubi) is an organisation, working intercultural with a nationwide model character. We offer diverse facets of youth work- it especially supports youth groups, social institutions and school classes in their process of intercultural opening.
Haus der offenen Tür (HoT Sinzig)
(HoT) is part of the catholic church community named “St. Peter” in Sinzig/Rhineland-Palatine. The church is a non-governmental body of public law. The HoT is an institution concerning youth work. Youth work is described in § 11 of the social law, the so called “SGB VIII”. In cooperation with the muslims and the catholic women community, with the advisory council of integration and migration and the youth migration association the social and youth workers also take part in the field of migration.
Greece – “Filoxenia”, Intercultural-Environmental Organisation
FILOXENIA is an NGO founded in 1995. It has today the legal status of a non-profit association and works in a wide cooperation scheme with local, regional and national institutions & authorities as well as at European and international level.
Hungary- MOP KKA Támaszpont
The Támaszpont Foundation for Mental Health Education and Prevention (Támaszpont MOPKA) is an NGO acting at local and international level in the youth field, run by volunteer board members. It manages the youth centre of Veresegyház. Támaszpont MOPKA provides useful leisure time activities for the youngsters, supports them in the educational field, promotes drug prevention, Human Rights Education and the value of the Council of Europe and raises awareness about common values such as tolerance, equal opportunities and cultural diversity.
Ireland- St Andrews family resource centre
Italy – EURO-NET
EURO-NET is a not for profit association that is member or associated member of 57 international networks (5 of them are EU networks: EUROPE DIRECT, EUROGUIDANCE, EURODESK, SOLVIT and EBN-EUROPEAN BUSINESS & INNOVATION CENTRE NETWORK) .
EURO-NET gives to children, young people and adults these services:
– information and project development center
– organization of training courses, exchanges and cultural, artistic or sport activities
– sector study, research
– counseling, crisis support and prevention
– e-learning, networking, partnerships, training courses and workshops
– publications, newspapers and web sites.
Romania- FITT (Timis County Youth Foundation)
Timis County Youth Foundation (FITT) is an umbrella organization for youth NGOs in the west part of Romania. Whit 33 Youth NGO members and 26 years old FITT is the most important and old youth NGO in this part of the country.
Slovakia – Centre for LeisureTime Activities JUNIOR
Institution of the regional selfgovernment supporting non-formal education at the regional level
Organizing the leisure time activities
Running programmes focused on education in methodology of work for youth workers, leaders and young people
Preparing analyseis of needs in the youth work for the local authorities.
Regional Youth Centre of Kosice
– Centre realizes educational trainings and schoolings activities on the field of youth work,
– Centre is settlement of regional coordinator for programme “Youth in action”, methodical and schooling activities and the task of information worker for Eurodesk
– Centre is a hosting and sending organisation for EVS
– Centre organizes school competitions and Olympiads declared by Ministry of Education of
Slovak republic on regional level, organizes thematic trainings, meetings and thematic camps.
Slovenia – Mladinski Center Krško – Youth center Krško
established in 2001 by the Municipality of Krško
– app. 12 employees
– app. 100 volunteers
– have one cities youth center and 4 youth spots in rural area
– great infrastructure (multimedia studio, 2 conference rooms, hall, climbing wall, computers room, youth hostel,…)
– 8 local NGO-s have their premacies in our center
– informing center, multimedia center, international work, children activities, club & culture field, prevention programs,…
Turkey – S & G – System and Generation Association
S&G was established in 2008. There are members such as EU specialist, lawyer, and specialist of the development, academician, PCM-master, youth trainers, civil servant and people corded to private sector in our association.
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